What Is Rendering In Computer Graphics?


One meaning of rendering is, Creating something from nothing where nothing is available. That's why all rendering filters in Photoshop create special effects by creating a look, object, or lighting effect that is associated with your original image.


3D Transform : 'Use this filter to wrap objects around three-dimensional shapes, such as cubes and spheres, for example to place a photo of you with your favorite product.

Using Cloud filter : The Clouds filter, for example, can create a cloud-filled sky out of nothing with just a few clicks of the mouse. This filter creates clouds using random values ​​between the foreground colors.

In fact, most experienced Photoshop users use this filter so much that they add a surprising number of clouds to their images. Find it in Filter Render Clouds. To create a more realistic cloud effect, hold down Alt while selecting this command.

Difference Clouds : Use this filter to create puffy objects in the sky (or foggy clouds at low levels). Instead of using this magic trick the same way with the Cloud filter,

Difference Clouds : Uses image information to understand the difference in pixel values ​​between the new clouds and the image being joined. As a result, a unique cloud effect is obtained. Try using this filter again and again to create a marbleized effect.

Lense Flare : This filter produces a reflection effect that bothers photographers when they point their camera at a strong light source, such as the Sun. Photoshop offers many different types of photographic lenses, giving you many useful variations of brightness that can make your concert photos look stunning, creating a sunset. and can produce other types of photobursts. In the Lens Flare dialog box, specify a location for the center of the light flare by clicking the image thumbnail or dragging the crosshairs.

Lighting Effects : A type of photo studio lighting set-up, this filter uses pixels to do its job. You can set up to 16 different lights. And you can manipulate how they publish your photos.

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