When you create web pages, gathering them into a single file called a web site, you're really excited about what to do. Your website should become a topic of discussion among the people. This can happen only if you float it on the web.
Although it is easy to float a site on the web, what is more important is how effectively the website works. Do you need some pre-publishing planning to achieve your true purpose hidden behind the publication? Yes, absolutely. It's like launching a new book on the market. You take great care in writing the book.
You carefully write each page of the book with the readership in mind, then you name the book and then design its cover page to make it look appealing, and then make a list of those markets. Where you can get maximum benefit from it.
For this one has to contact a publisher for which an attempt is made to know about their market policy, goodwill etc. Similarly, when you design a website and want to publish it, you need to do a few things like domain naming, availability of domain name (since it is often the case that the domain name you are thinking of is already there). Is in anyone's possession. Registering the domain name and most importantly you should focus on finding the best and affordable host in the market etc. Various points related to web publishing have been discussed in this post.
Types of websites |
What is the need of a website?
A website can take you to new markets or even help you retain your current customers with you. It can also function as a multiple page advertisement or it can also be an online business that generates its own income. It can also function as a meeting place, a resource center and can even provide entertainment. If you need to promote, inform, sell, communicate or entertain, a website can be built to meet all these needs.
The advantage of the web over traditional media is its availability. The web is available to listeners around the world 24 hours a day. People have the freedom to get to know you in the time they take away from their convenience.
A well-designed website has at least the following advantages:
- It acts as a multiple page advertisement.
- It displays products and services as they are provided.
- It enables customers to purchase goods and services.
- It provides the facility of online reservations.
- It communicates the identity of the brand and builds trust.
- It develops customer loyalty through the provision of services.
- It provides contact information or direct contact via email.
Types of Websites
In fact, it is a very difficult task to classify websites. There are different types of websites which have different purposes and different top level domains like, org etc. However, based on how websites respond to users, they can be divided into two types, static and dynamic.
1. Static Website
means static or non-changing. A truly static website is one that contains static web pages. Static web pages are web pages or pages that show the same facts to all viewers, usually written in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). When a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) representing a static page is received by a wave server, the server responds to it as HTML. and related web facts, regardless of user identification and retrieval context.
2. Dynamic Website
The exact opposite of static or static, the meaning of dynamic or dynamic is ever-changing and progressive. A dynamic or dynamic website is one that consists of dynamic web pages. With the continuous advancement in the World Wide Web, websites are adopting new forms to attract visitors. The emergence of dynamic web pages is part of that progress.
When you open a dynamic web page, you see that it is always changing and creating different impressions. live. When you move your mouse over a particular image, it changes to another image. Dynamic web pages development takes place in two phases, client side and server side. The dynamic content of the client side is generated on the client's computer.
The web server retrieves the page and sends it as it is, then the browser processes the code on the page, usually written in JavaScript, and displays the page to the user. It shows. Client-side dynamic content is handled using languages such as JavaScript, Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language, and Flash.
The dynamic stuff on the server side is a bit more complicated. First the browser sends an HTTP request to the server and the server retrieves the requested script or program. Next, the server executes the script or program that results in typically an HTML file. appears as a web page.
The program typically receives input from a query string or standard input, which may be derived from a submitted web form. finally the server html Sends the output to the client's browser. PHP,Perl, ASP,Dot Net, C.G. Languages like CGI are used to generate dynamic content on the server side.
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