What are the components of web publishing

Components of web publishing

Web publishing is a detailed process similar to book publishing. It starts with the writing of the first word of the first page and continues till it is published. Similarly, web publishing also has different steps until it becomes available for premiere. The whole process includes activities like deciding a name for the domain, getting it assigned to a qualified registrar, creating the content for the site, designing the pages for them, uploading the site with a host.

Each step is extremely important and you have to be careful while choosing the most suitable software for designing and uploading and choose the most suitable host keeping in mind the features and investment offered.as given below are five steps in the Web publishing -

components of web publishing

  • Domain Name Planning and registration 
  • Web Hosting 
  • Web Design and Development 
  • Promotion
  • Put-Maintenance

Domain Name Planning and Registration:

A domain name is the address through which Internet users will see you on the web. The first step of that publication is domain name planning and registration. There are a few things you should keep in mind when registering a doorman's name. They are being discussed further. 

Getting Domain Name:

The first thing you need to do is to get a domain name for the proposed site. Mana name is the name you want to give to your site. For example hamarabiharonline.com is a domain name. To obtain a domain name, you have to pay an annual fee to a registrar in exchange for permission to use that name. Remember that getting a name doesn't get you a website, it's just a name. This is similar to registering a business name under a government organization to avoid duplication.

Choosing a Domain Name:

Before you hasten to choose your domain name and name the website, you will need to pay attention to the following things. 

Your Domain Name should be your Website Name:

A domain name that matches your brand name is very important. The special name that you use to advertise your product, you will also want for your domain because it will be the first thing people will open in their browser.

Your Domain Name Should Not be too long:

Domain names can be any length up to 67 characters. You don't need to be content with a vague and obscure domain name like hbo.com, when all you want is hamarabiharonline.com. Although you may be able to get a short domain name, the main thing is to make sure whether it is a meaningful combination or combination of characters.

Your domain name should be hyphen free:

A domain name containing hyphenation has some advantages and disadvantages. Search engines can better recognize your keywords if your domain name includes a hyphen. The disadvantage is that it is very common to forget the hyphen when typing a name. Furthermore, if someone verbally recommends your site to a friend, hyphenating your doorman name increases the chance of a mistake, compared to when your domain name doesn't have a hyphen. It is therefore advisable to avoid hyphenating (name) as far as possible. 

Your domain name should not contain plural words:

For plural names (e.g. Name Domain) always causes a loss, because type '4' in the visitor by name There is a lot of possibility of forgetting. For example, suppose a person wants to log on to Websites.com but accidentally logs on to website.com, it is quite possible that this will lead to the loss of the client, especially when the products of both the domains are the same.

Your top level domain name should portray the nature of your site:

Never use a .com domain name if charitable organization or voluntary organization. Don't forget to get the top level domain related to the country if you are working for a specific client. If you are into business for profit then .com would be the best top level domain for you and if you are doing business in India then choose it as a country specific top level domain.

Registering Your Domain Name:

The process of getting a domain name involves getting the name of your choice regulated by a domain name registrar from an organization called Inter N.I.C. For example, if you prefer a name like hamarabiharonline.com, you have to go to the registrar, pay a registration fee which can range from Rs.300 to Rs.700 for that name, which you will have to pay for that name for a year. will give the right to use the name, and you will have to renew that name by paying the same amount every year. 

However, you can register your domain name for more than one year at a time by paying the same proportionate fee. Domain names also tend to disappear very quickly. Most of the good domain names that describe their products and services are taken. If you want a domain name for your site, I recommend that you start now or suffer the suffocation of losing the name later. After all, Rs 700 (which is the amount asked by the most expensive registrars) seems cheap enough for a year's ownership once you feel like you're getting a good name for your website.

                            There are many domain name registrar companies that can unregister your domain name, although their fees change from time to time. Some of the major companies that port your site are candidinfo. sify, indiatimes, yahoo! GoDaddy.com is Dotster.com, Register.com etc. You can find the relevant or relevant rates whenever you wish by logging on to the website of the registrar to which you wish to restrict your domain.

While there are some companies that offer free domain names, it is advisable to have your own domain name and host your site on the server of your choice based on the best package offered. When you are disconnected, you are provided with a User ID and Password to access the Control Panel and manage your domain. 

You D.N.S. The IP (DNS) addresses and the names of their primary and secondary servers are provided by your web host. You will need to have a credit card to get a domain name restricted, although this is not essential, but if you do have one, it will help you claim your domain name instantly and get it as soon as you apply. 

But if you do not have credit card facility then you can pay through Demand Draft (DD), or directly deposited in the bank account of the concerned registrar company. Payment or deposit facility is available through Demand Draft (DD) in most of the companies operating out of India.

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