Choose Best Web Hosting
A web host is primarily a company that has many computers connected to the Internet. After you place your web pages on their computers, you enable everyone in the world to connect to and view them. You will need to sign up for an account with the web host in order to have a home for your website.
If getting a domain name is tantamount to getting a business name in this physical world, then getting a web hosting account is like renting an office for your business.
Web Hosting
When you have completed the domain registration and designing of all the web pages, then the last thing that is done is to get your site hosted. In fact, hosting is the most important part of web publishing. Now you are about to prove your worth in the world of net. When you are ready to host your site, you should first look for a host. The host is like a car and you are traveling. This means that your entire journey depends on the car. So you should hire the best car so that there is no problem with the quantity on the road. Similarly you are going to hand over all your assets to the host who will float your site on the net.
Web hosting is the practice of providing computer and communication facilities to business establishments or individuals, which is used especially for creating web and electronic business sites. Hosting service can provide high-speed Internet access, additional power, data storage and 24-hour maintenance. Implementing all these services independently can be extremely costly.
Types of Web Hosting
mainly two types of web hosting services namely free web hosting and paid web hosting . Free web hosting provides you the facility of free web hosting, but instead you have to place their advertisements on your website. Free web hosting provides very limited options to the website owner.
Geo cities is a popular site that allows you to create web pages as well as host them for no charge. Data Fee Web Hosting Services host websites for a fee which varies from hosting company to company and also depends on the space you occupy. Don't fall for hosting services.
Choosing a Web Server Platform For
Those who are new to web hosting, the biggest challenge is to choose a web server. That is, what is the platform of the server hosting your web site. There are many options for this, among which the differences between Windows and Linux have been clarified.
There are many distributions of Linux web server due to which Linux is not very reliable in the market in terms of product. Second is that the Linux distribution is not being developed by any big company. IBM has a big backer but Linux doesn't have any band distribution for it.
Linux and Windows both provide a graphical user interface and a command line interface. Linux generally has two types of D.E. (KDE) and Gnome (Gnome) provide graphical user interfaces. In terms of speed, efficiency, and reliability, any Linux server without a graphical user interface is more suitable than the Windows Server version.
In the context of Linux and Windows servers it is common that Linux is almost free while Windows Server is expensive to buy. Linux usually comes pre-installed with the computer and Windows is usually not free with newer computers either. You can download many Linux distributions as CDs. Can run from . While Windows must be installed on the hard disk.
The most important issue among all this is server security. Linux is crash-prone, meaning it cannot crash under almost any circumstances. Whereas Windows never guarantees that it will not crash. Since the web server is a very important system and it promises to provide 24 hours, 365 days service to its customers, its crash is a very important point. A server shutdown for even five minutes can cause huge financial losses.
Choosing a Good Web Host
As discussed earlier, when you are looking for your luck in the web business, The web hosting company is everything. That is why it is of utmost importance that you do not rush, but study all the major hosting companies and choose the best one. There are some tips that will definitely help you determine the best hosting company available in the market.
Some of these tips are as follows:
- Amount of Web Space
The amount of web space provided by the host is important. Calculate how much space is enough for your needs. The space required for the site depends on the images, sound files, video clips, etc. that your pages use. If you envision that you will expand your site in the future, you will also take care of any future expansion needs.
- FTP Access
FTP access, and at least the ability to upload your pages via email or browser. However for uploading pages, if the site is not too small then f. FTP access must be mandatory.
- Reliability and Speed of access
This is of utmost importance. A site that frequently goes down will lose visitors. If someone finds your site on a search engine, and tries to access it but finds it is down, they will look directly for another site in the list. Slow access can cause a lot of frustration and annoyance for visitors (as well as for you when you are uploading your site.) The Measured in terms of
a web host not only needs to be reliable and fast, but it also needs to beits uptime (that time). in which it remains functional.) should also be guaranteed. Look for at least 99% up time. In fact 99% is also extremely low, it has to be at least 99.5% or more. The host must provide a refund of any kind.
What is up time?
Up time is a percentage of the time that a computer system and associated hardware is working and available for use.
- Data transfer (traffic bandwidth)
transfer (informally referred to as "traffic" or "bandwidth") is the amount of bytes that are taken by visitors to your site when they visit your site. Generally commercial web hosts advertise that they offer unlimited bandwidth, although this is nothing more than a brag. The host has to pay the bandwidth cost, and if you Quietly you won't be able to afford it if you consume a large amount of it. Always find out how much traffic the package allows.
- Disk Space
These "unlimited disks" Also keep a close eye on the "location" plans. Most sites require less than 5 mV of web space, so you may even be provided with a host that will give you 200 MB to 500 MB of space. tempts . So don't make 500MB of space that big an issue for you to consider when comparing with other web hosts.
- Technical Support
Does its technical support work 24 hours a day, seven days a week (abbreviated as 24x7), all year round? It is found in a way similar to the claim of a politician. So if you are really serious about hosting then check how long they take to reply by sending them emails at midnight and saturday night sunday morning etc. Apart from the speed of answers, also check to see if they are technically qualified.
FTP, PHP, Perl CGI-BIN access, SSI htaccess, Telnet, SSH crontabs
If you are paying for a site, you must make sure that you have all of these features available. Note that some commercial hosts do not allow you to install PHP or CGI scripts without your approval. This is not desirable, as it means you have to wait for them to implement a feature on your site.
"htaccess" is needed if you need to customize your error pages (such as pages that are displayed when a user requests you for a page that does not exist.) or if you have multiple Telnet or SSH access is useful for certain things, including the need for CGI scripts, to secure your site in a variety of ways (such as preventing bandwidth piracy and hotlinking, etc.). Checking out, maintaining the database, etc. Crontabs is needed for programs that you need to run from time to time (like once a day). Check whether such a facility is provided or not.
SSL (Secure Server), MySQL, Shopping Cart
If you are planning to do business through your website, you may want to see if the host provides these features. These features may include higher priced packages or additional charges. The main thing is to know if they are available or not before connecting with the host. If you are planning to collect credit card information on your website then you will definitely need SSL.
Email, autoresponder, POP3, Mail Forwarding
If you have your own site, you may want to have email addresses on your own domain, such as,, etc. Does your host provide this with the package? Does it provide you with an email account based on Can you set up an email address that automatically replies to the sender with a predefined message (also known as an autoresponder)? Can you retrieve your mail with your e-mail software? Can it be automatically forwarded to your current email address?
Other's Reviews
The best way to learn about a web host is to get the opinions of people who are already customers of it. If the majority of business establishments or individuals are satisfied with the services provided by the host, then you can also rely on it. When you have no criterion, the opinion of others becomes very important.
Web Design and Development
Once you have a domain name and web host, your next step will be to design the website. Although there are many points to consider in web design, as a beginner, your first step is to bring something to dev.
It comes when you've figured out how to bring a basic web page to your site. One way to do this. why. s. I. W. why. Yes. (WYSIWYG) web editor. There are many commercial and free web editors all around you. Notepad, Front page, Netscape composer are some of the very popular H.T.M.L. are editors.
Also Read :
- What are the basic Internet terminologies?
- What are services provided by Internet?
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- Advanced Web Design with Frontpage 2002
- Types of websites static and dynamic
- What are the components of web publishing
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