What is meant by applied quantum computing?

Applied Quantum Computing (AQC)

Applied Quantum Computing

Applied Quantum Computing (AQC) is the application of quantum mechanics to computer science. In particular, AQC refers to the use of quantum computers to solve computational problems. A quantum computer would have the potential to perform certain tasks exponentially faster than classical supercomputers.

In the context of computer science, the term "quantum computing" was coined by Richard Feynman in 1982. He proposed using quantum systems to simulate other quantum systems. This idea led to the field of quantum computation.

The first quantum computer was built by David Deutsch at Oxford University in 1985. However, he did not build a general purpose quantum computer. Instead, he built a device capable of simulating the behavior of a quantum system.

Quantum computers could potentially be useful for solving some NP-complete problems, including factoring integers, searching unsorted databases, and finding shortest paths in graphs.

However, quantum computers are still theoretical devices. No one knows how to build them yet.

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